Evapolar - Cool Privilege
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Cool Privilege +++

You can rely on Evapolar for both cooling and protection, for years to come!

Add Cool Privilege to your purchase, to avoid any surprise repair costs in case of accidental damage of your Evapolar air cooler during the validity of the extended warranty period.

Basic warranty +


Valid for 1 year starting from the date of purchase


High priority customer request list*


Remote technical expertise based on the information provided**


Replacement dispatch within 20 days after the manufacturing defect is confirmed***


Worldwide warranty coverage


The warranty does not cover physical damages****

Cool Privilege +++


Valid for 2 years starting from the date of purchase


Most valuable customer request list*


Fast remote technical expertise based on the information provided**


Replacement dispatch within 7 days after the manufacturing defect is confirmed***


Worldwide warranty coverage


Visual or structural damages coverage


The warranty covers damages for both the device and its separate parts that appeared during exploitation. For instance, a water tank can be replaced****

*The requests are proceeded within labor hours Mon-Fri **Sometimes this procedure can reveal cases that can be fixed by simple manipulations carried out by the customer ***The company is not responsible for any delays that can happen with the delivery companies ****None of the warranties covers cartridges due to their consumable nature


How much does Evapolar reduce the temperature and what size area can it cool down?

Evapolar devices were designed as personal units, cooling not an entire room but the user's personal area. To feel the maximum cooling effect, you have to be in the center of the device's airflow with the device's front grills facing towards you, within 1-1,5 m distance from the device.The outgoing temperature depends on the air temperature and humidity level in the area. Good ventilation is also very important. The maximum temperature decrease that can be reached is 10-12°C (18-19°F).

How does Evapolar work?

Water absorbs heat from the air to evaporate. Learn more.Evaporative cooling diagram

Does Evapolar work without a power supply?

No, there's no battery inside the device, but it can be powered from the power bank.

Can I set it to cool to a certain temperature?

No, you cannot regulate the outgoing temperature, because it depends on the initial air humidity and temperature. Learn more

Do I have to replace the cartridge? How often?

Yes, the evaporative cartridge has to be replaced every 3-6 months depending on the water and air quality and, of course on the time of usage per day. Each unit already has one cartridge inside, included into the price.

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