How to Create a Multi-Use Space at Your Home

When it comes to organizing your workspace, there are many ways to approach the task. You can start by decluttering and getting rid of any unnecessary items that are taking up space. Next, you can designate an area for each type of activity-such as working, studying or relaxing. Finally, make sure everything has a place and put everything back in its place when you're finished using it.

You can also add a few multi-functional devices to your workspace. Very often a functional multi-use device, like an evaporative air cooler, can bring a breath of fresh air to your space. For example, you can use an Evapolar device for cool air while you’re working, to stay cool on your yoga mat, or to keep it on at night when you’re asleep.


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Choose the Right Place for Home Office Organization

If you are working from home, it is essential to have a designated spot for everything related to your job — rule number one for workspace organizing! It can be a specific room or just a desk in the corner of your living room. The main thing is that this place should make you feel productive and motivated. Here are the criteria you may want to consider when you are looking for the best spot:

Comfort level

Your workspace should be as comfortable as possible. It should have everything you need to do your job efficiently. Make sure your desk and chair are at the right height, and that you have good lighting. Invest in a quality ergonomic office chair to avoid back pain.

Work-safe lighting

Good lighting is essential for a productive workspace. Avoid glare on your computer screen by positioning your desk near a window. If you don’t have natural light, invest in a quality lamp that will provide enough light without causing eye strain.

Optimal size

Your workspace should be big enough to accommodate all of your supplies and equipment, but not so large that it feels empty and uninviting. Find the perfect balance between too much and too little space.

Take care of comfortable temperature and humidity

When it comes to working from home, having a comfortable temperature is essential for thinking more effectively. It is like organizing a workspace from the inside — it’s something invisible but it has a huge influence on your comfort.

A cool, comfortable environment allows you to focus better and be more productive. If the temperature is too warm, you may feel uncomfortable and sluggish. On the other hand, if it's too cold, you may not be able to focus at all. Finding the right temperature for your workspace is key to maintaining productivity while working from home.

The right level of humidity is also important for a comfortable temperature. If the air is too dry, it can cause eye irritation and make it difficult to breathe. Too much humidity can make the air feel stuffy and can lead to mold growth. Maintaining a comfortable level of humidity in your workspace will help you stay productive and comfortable while working from home.

High temperatures can be an obstacle to productivity and focus. To stay cool, you can use an Evapolar personal air cooler. This device is designed to cool and humidify the air in your workspace, whether you are working from home or anywhere else.

Read more: Tips to Stay Cool While Working in the Heat at Home

Reduce distractions

When it comes to getting work done, distractions can be a major obstacle. Here are a few tips for reducing distractions in your workspace:

Create a Dedicated Area for Working

If you have a designated space for working, it will be easier to focus on your tasks. When you're not working, you can use that space for other activities. This will help you stay focused when you're working and avoid distractions.

Avoid Multitasking

Multitasking can be a major distraction and can actually decrease your productivity. Try to focus on one task at a time and complete it before moving on to the next task. This will help you stay focused and avoid getting sidetracked.

Turn off Notifications

Many people find it difficult to focus when they have notifications popping up on their screen. Turn off notifications for email, social media and other apps that tend to distract you. This will help you stay focused on your work and avoid getting interrupted.

To sum this one up in the quote of Oliver Roland: “There is nothing worse for your productivity than keeping a messaging app permanently open”.

Make Your Office More Functional

Keep Only What You Need

Declutter your workspace and get rid of anything that you don’t use on a regular basis — this is how you will make your office more functional. This includes old papers, pens that don’t work, and anything else that is taking up valuable space. A decluttered workspace will help you focus and be more productive.

Old unused stuff = stale unused energy.

Assign Specific Places

When everything has a designated place, it will be easier to find what you need and put things away when you’re finished using them. This will help keep your workspace organized and tidy.

Invest in Storage Solutions

If you don’t have enough storage space, invest in some storage solutions. This can include shelves, filing cabinets and baskets. By having adequate storage, you can keep your workspace organized and free of clutter.

Recycle (or Upcycle!) Old Stuff

If you have items that you no longer need, recycle them or upcycle them into something new. This will help free up space in your workspace and give you a chance to be creative.

Designate an Area for Relaxation

In addition to a functional workspace, your home should also have a relaxing area where you can unwind after a long day. This can be a comfortable chair in your living room, a cozy reading nook, or even just a quiet corner where you can relax and de-stress. You can relax anywhere with an Evapolar air cooler — just turn it on and enjoy the cool flow, wherever you are.

Work Out a Routine

Create a To-Do List (and follow it!)

A to-do list can be a great way to stay focused and organized. It helps you keep track of what needs to be done and prevents you from becoming overwhelmed. When you have a list of tasks that need to be completed, it's easier to stay focused and avoid distractions.

Work in Designated Spots Only

We already know that mixing business and pleasure is not the best way to go. It also refers to the 'physical' part of work, as in "don't work from the couch". It has been proven scientifically that if we work where we rest and rest where we work, our bodies get mixed signals and as a result. We don't focus enough and we don't relax fully.

Set Working Hours

When you’re working from home, it can be tempting to work all the time. However, this is not sustainable and can actually lead to burnout. It’s important to set working hours and stick to them. This will help you maintain a healthy work-life balance and avoid burnout.

Take Breaks

In addition to setting working hours, it’s also important to take breaks throughout the day. This will help you avoid burnout and stay refreshed. Get up and walk around, grab a snack or take a quick nap. Just make sure you set an alarm so you don’t overdo it!

Get Some Fresh Air

Fresh air can do wonders for your productivity. When you’re feeling sluggish, step outside for a few minutes. If walking around is out of your reach, turn on a cooling device and enjoy the freshness!

Maintain Workplace Ergonomics

Your workspace should be comfortable and ergonomic. This means that you have a good chair, a proper desk, and adequate lighting. By having an ergonomic workspace, you can avoid discomfort and pain.

Reduce noise in your workspace

If you live in a noisy environment, it can be difficult to focus on your work. Invest in some noise-canceling headphones or earplugs to help you concentrate. You can also try working in a quiet coffee shop or library if your home is too noisy.

Watch temperature and humidity levels

Working in a comfortable and ergonomic environment is important, but it's also important to watch the humidity and temperature. If the environment is too humid, you could experience discomfort or even pain. If the environment is too dry, you could experience fatigue, headaches or even sinus problems. In order to avoid these problems, it's important to watch the humidity and temperature and make sure they are within a comfortable range.

Lighting is important too!

Having proper lighting in your workspace is important for both your physical and mental health. Natural light is best, but if you can’t get enough of it,  make sure you have a good quality artificial light source. Avoid working in dim lighting, as it can cause eye strain and headaches.

How to stay cool while working at the office without air con

When the weather is hot, it can be difficult to focus on your work. If your office doesn’t have air conditioning, there are a few things you can do to stay cool.

  • Wear loose, comfortable clothing made from natural fabrics such as cotton.
  • Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.
  • Avoid hot, heavy meals that will make you feel sluggish.
  • Take breaks often to cool down and avoid overheating.
  • If possible, work near a fan or open window to enjoy the breeze.
  • Close blinds and curtains
  • Use a portable/desktop air cooler like Evapolar
  • Don't overload your laptop
  • Change your working hours and start working during the cooler time of the day — maybe this is a chance to become a morning person!

How can Evapolar help with your workspace?

A smart, portable and multi-functional device is a must-have at home, especially if you have a home office. Evapolar air coolers humidify, purify and cool the air, which makes them perfect companions for work, play and sleep.

Evapolar is a personal air cooler that can help you stay cool in the comfort of your workspace. It’s small and portable, so you can take it with you to the office or anywhere else.

It’s easy to use – just fill it with water, plug it in and enjoy the cool air. It’s also eco-friendly and energy-efficient, so don't worry about adding a few numbers to your energy bill — it won't happen.

Let’s say you need your multi-use area for working, relaxing and working out.

Here is what an Evapolar can do for you:

  • Keep you cool when you are focusing on work. Did you know that you lose focus when the temperature goes up? It’s even harder to stay focused at home, so this smart air cooler will give you an extra boost of freshness.
  • Stay cool when chilling with a book, watching Netflix or journaling.
  • Your Evapolar can keep you cool the whole night long. Are you thinking about electricity bills? An Evapolar cooler keeps you fresh at only 7W of electricity use, which is 100 less than an air conditioner. Just direct the airflow at you and doze off.

A multifunctional space can be a blessing, when organized properly. It can also become a curse if it’s cluttered and not thought through. Pinterest aside, we recommend you analyze what you need the area for, and act accordingly. Smart devices, vertical organization and efficient storage are your friends!

People Also Ask (FAQ):

  • How do you organize your home office in the summer?

One of the best ways to stay cool while working at the office in the summer is to take breaks often and drink plenty of water. If possible, try to work near a fan or open window. You can also wear loose, comfortable clothing made from natural fabrics like cotton, and avoid hot, heavy meals.

Don't sit right below the AC as you can get the 'air con flu'. However, place yourself in the proximity of a cool breeze, if possible.

  • Does the convenience of the workspace affect the salary?

There is no clear answer, as the convenience of a workspace can depend on a number of factors such as the company's budget, the employee's job title and skillset, and the city or country in which the company is located. However, some experts believe that a comfortable and efficient workspace can lead to higher productivity levels and increased creativity.

  • How to stay organized when you work at home and you get really hot?

When it comes to staying cool while working from home, there are a few simple tips you can follow. First, make sure to drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. You can also wear loose, comfortable clothing made from natural fabrics such as cotton. Additionally, try to work near a fan or open window to enjoy the breeze, and take breaks often to cool down. If possible, change your working hours to avoid the hottest part of the day. Finally, consider using a portable air cooler like Evapolar to keep yourself cool and productive.

  • Is it necessary to change the location of the workplace at home in order to stay comfortable?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best way to organize your workspace will vary depending on your individual needs and preferences. However, why would you want to change the location of a place which has been perfectly organized and is working well?