Many people have to work from home at some point, whether you’re drafting a proposal or making the presentation that’s due tomorrow. Regardless of the reason, you can either work productively or waste your time getting distracted. Read more: Tips to Stay Cool While Working in the Heat at Home

The most effective cooling device
It all depends on how you organize your home office — especially in these testing times of the COVID-19 outbreak, when half the world is forced to work from home.
In this article we will tell you how to organize your workspace at home to make it a comfort zone and not a disaster zone.
How to Organize Your Home Office. Steps to a Comfy Workspace
Just opening your laptop wherever and starting to work — and doing so productively — doesn’t work on practice alone. Imagine you made your bed, hopped on top of it and powered your computer, but suddenly you realize you’ve forgotten your planner and pen or your phone. Just as you’ve made yourself comfy, you hop off and go fetch the necessary items.
If you’ve never worked from home, you can avoid the hassle by doing a bit of preparation before you start a workday. Let’s go over what you need to do step by step.
1. Choose the Right Place for Home Office Organization
Locate a nook in your home to organize your workspace that has minimal distractions and, at the same time, creates a little separate, personal bubble for you. Make sure your home office is away from the distractions and noise of the house and has all the things you need to work peacefully.
Comfort Level
Once you have an area in mind, think about its comfort level. You don't want to be uncomfortable while you are working, as it will affect your productivity and efficiency. The place should be cool and away from harsh lighting. Read more about: How to Create a Multi-Use Space at Your Home
Work-safe Lighting
The second factor of workspace organizing in your home office is lighting. Make sure your workspace is well-lit. Whether it is a natural or artificial source, it shouldn’t be too bright either, or it might hurt your eyes or cause a headache.

Optimal Size
A small space will get cluttered and might also make you feel claustrophobic. On the other hand, a large workspace might end up creating distractions and even more clutter than a small one.
In the end, think of all the elements that allow you to work in peace at home and choose the space accordingly for workspace organizing.

2. Reduce Distractions
If you’re not used to working from home, there are going to be distractions, especially if you’re a parent. Kids can’t stop being kids for the duration of your workday. Surely at some point they will want to have your attention or they will simply create a ruckus all over the house. And even if you don't have kids, there are enough distractions, such as TV, gaming systems, and the bane of the modern world — your phone with social media and chats.
Remove Clutter
The first distraction that reduces your work productivity is a cluttered desk. Your workspace might need some initial cleaning. Getting into the habit of cleaning your desk at the end of every day can also help. read also: How long can a landlord leave you without AC?

Shut Off the Noise and Keep a Schedule
It’s not always possible to find a quiet place, especially if you live in a small home. But you can close windows and doors while you’re working and open them while you’re on break.
It’s also easy to get distracted by personal activities — you see every little job that should be done around the house, and you might be tempted to do those instead of the job that pays. Set alarms on your phone for breaks and try to work until they go off. This can give you a sense of structure.
Move Unnecessary Items
Magazines, books, and other stuff reserved for leisure can make you lose focus. Keeping a picture of your family can be helpful, but reduce to a minimum the things that make your mind wander.
3. Make Your Workspace More Functional
Having practical items such as folders that are color-coded according to their importance helps a lot when you are working. To organize a home office, you don't have to rush out to the market and buy new stuff; you can use what’s already present in your home. You might even have folders or files somewhere around the home, but old boxes, colored paper, and some sticky tape can also do the trick.
Clean and Organize Your Desk
Remove everything from it and use a cleaning agent to wipe off any dirt or dust. Then put your essentials back, but make sure there’s an order to the way you lay things on the table. For example, if you’re right-handed and use a paper notebook a lot, put the notebook and your pen on the right, and move boxes or folders to the left.
Assign Specific Places
Once all your work items are in a particular area, always put them into that place after use. You will know where to look for something if it has its own place. And it just saves time when you don’t need to rearrange the table every time you need a stapler. You can also use sticky notes to label everything and keep it in clear sight so you have no difficulty reaching for the necessary folder.

Recycle Old Stuff
The stuff you cleared up from the desk is probably old notebooks and pens that don't work anymore. It’s time to get rid of them, so recycle if possible or just throw them out.
4. Work Out a Routine
Having a routine gives life meaning in a way that sets our idle minds to a schedule and makes us adhere to it for many positive reasons. Working according to a set timeline, resting at an appropriate time, and exercising regularly rewards us with a healthier lifestyle and work-life balance.
The line between work and personal activities may get blurred, and the time assigned to both may dissolve into each other. It is best to set limits to all activities by creating a schedule and following it to its core.
The last thing anyone wants is to gain weight while working from home; you have the perfect opportunity to use the time that would have been spent commuting and assign it to exercise as much as you can.
There are tons of exercises involving all of your body that can be done without gym equipment. By creating a schedule, working out, and eating healthy food, you can achieve the maximum output from your brain and body.
5. Maintain Workplace Ergonomics
It is essential to maintain the integrity of the workplace, even if we are working from home, enforcing the same conditions as in an office — especially if the home office will be a permanent fixture in your home.
Reduce Noise
The principal object of concern should be excessive noise infiltrating the workspace. While a standard office isn’t the quietest place, the sounds your family, roommates, and neighbors make don’t exactly help you tune into a working mood.
You can even think about soundproofing your office and workspace if the noise levels are very high and if you have the means.
Managing Heat and Air Quality in the Workspace
Another factor in workplace ergonomics is heat and quality of air. It is hard to focus on that presentation if you have sweat running down your back, right? Moreover, if you are breathing in air full of pollutants, spores, and dust particles, it can definitely decrease your capability to focus on your work.
There’s an excellent two-in-one solution to the issue of excessive heat and impure air that doesn’t require a huge investment, much space, or hammering nails into a wall.

Evapolar uses the process of evaporative technology to cool the air in your room. Not only that, but it also purifies and humidifies the air.
It is a great device to keep you company in a hot environment. This device helps you cool down effectively within minutes. Moreover, it increases the quality of air you breathe in, making sure you stay cool and healthy.
The Evapolar does not cause any distractions, as it is practically silent and fits in a corner easily, so you don't have to go out of your way to find a space for it. This little machine can help maintain optimal conditions by not allowing any bacterial build-up in your workspace.
Wrap Up
Working from home can be both a blessing and a curse. We have discussed the optimal environment required to achieve the utmost attention and efficient yet straightforward ways that will help you create this environment in no time.
For you to be able to work and not lose the perfect work-life balance is a primary concern. To get to the point of maximum productivity, one needs to be comfortable and focused. To get focused, you can try the simple steps mentioned above.
However, achieving high levels of comfort requires a little help. This help can be provided by Evapolar, which fixes up your temperature in a hot and humid environment better than any other device.

Get Evapolar and follow our simple steps to create and organize your very own workspace at home that will help you work efficiently.